We are an affirming, "open-table" congregration and all are welcome.
They are located in a clear wall holder to the right or (west) of the church mailboxes.
These were provided by SERC (Sexual Education Resource Centre) Brandon office at one of the Open Futures sessions that Krisjanis Kaktins-Gorsline organized this past month at the church.
Substance Use and the impact it has on an individual, their family and community can be a life-or-death matter. Naloxone is safe to administer and having a Naloxone kit available can save a life. Also, a frequent cause of overdose is opioid toxicity, ie: people who take prescription opioids by accident thinking they're another drug.
The kit comes with an instructional pamphlet and there is also a video to show you exactly what to watch out for if you feel someone has had an overdose, and shows you all the steps including checking for breathing, calling 911, and using the kit itself. The link to the video is included here and we hope that it won’t be needed but in case it is, we would like to be prepared. Also, please let us know if you are interested in further training, or feel that you need to take a kit with you to have on hand. Thank you
I would like to pick up on part of last month’s newsletter: The National Worship Conference in Regina from July 18th to 21st. The theme was about decolonizing our spaces, our worship practices, liturgies and music choices. The Stones Cry Out was the main message.
“But Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, if my followers didn’t say these things, then the stones would cry out.’” (New Century Version)
Within the indigenous teachings, all of creation is alive and stones play a significant role. Often, a stone will be used in a traditional sharing circle. The one person with the stone is the only voice to speak. Once the person has spoken, the stone travels around the circle, giving all people a chance to speak. The stone(s) played a significant role in this conference and to begin we were invited forward to choose a stone that spoke to each of us. From that moment, the stone becomes a witness to all you experience, and can be used as a part of a sharing circle tradition. A stone labyrinth was also provided for prayer and meditation.
I chose this stone
The sins of racism, colonialism, and white supremacy hurt communities of color, fracture human relationships, and deny God’s good creation. Lament is a way for us to recognize the harm caused by racism and white supremacy.
Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:35-39). God’s grace in Christ frees us for the difficult work of recognizing and lamenting racism and white supremacy .
We are all part of one body in Christ, called to act with equity, fairness, and justice. God’s saving love creates grace-filled spaces within us and within our relationships. God’s saving love calls and leads us toward rooting out the racism that continues to infect the body. .
Within the whole human family, people of color have experienced both interpersonal aggression and structural oppression instead of abundant life. We recognize and lament the harm racism has caused to African Descent communities; Indigenous Peoples within Canada and around the world; Arab and Middle Eastern communities; Asian and Pacific Islander communities; and Latinx communities. We cry out to you, hear our lament, O God..
We have assigned the notion of race to human beings created in God’s own divine image. We have judged God’s beautiful diversity by our flawed and artificial standards.
We cry out to you, hear our lament, O God..
We have used language and images in ways that equate black and dark with dirt and sin, and that fail to welcome the treasures of darkness in God’s good creation.
We cry out to you, hear our lament, O God.
We have accepted practices in our churches and in our society that privilege whiteness over diversity and equity. We have been complicit in how racism, colonialism, and white supremacy continue to exclude and harm people of color. We cry out to you, hear our lament, O God..
As we gather this week to learn how our worship and liturgies can become more loving, welcoming, and safe environments for people of all colours and cultures,
We call to you, open our hearts, O God..
When one part of the body of Christ hurts, the whole-body hurts. As we listen to people who are harmed by racism within our churches and our worship practices. We call to you, open our hearts, O God..
As we are given the opportunity to hear how our churches and worship practices are influenced by colonial systems of hierarchy and oppression, We call to you, open our hearts, O God ..
As we may face ways in which we are being called to unlearn, relearn, and adapt our own personal practices, We call to you, open our hearts, O God..
Holy and merciful God, as your people we recommit ourselves to loving one another as you have loved us. Prepare us for this time of listening and discovery. We pray in the name of the one who has made us one, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. .
Lord, as we discern and learn together help us to use our faith to seek understanding.
towards more life-giving practices and messaging in our church. I will present information through our Council and then to share with our congregation. .
May the Peace of Christ be with you. .
Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Says Jesus
In Peace, Pastor Heather
If you wish to receive our newsletter, calendar, notification of our services on YouTube, or other notification of services at our Church, please forward your request to admin@ericksonlutheranchurch.ca and you will be added to our mailing list or click on the following links: Newsletter, Calendar, YouTube Services.
Full minutes are posted on the bulletin board in the narthex of the Church
God Bless, ELC Council
Looking ahead to choir rehearsals, fall 2024 - summer 2025. Choir begins September 17th, Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
“Sing a New Song” is the best description of what we do every Tuesday evening, 7 to 8 pm.
Being involved with choir helps us:
Come and join us Tuesday, September 17th.
🎹Sue and Viola
Unlike past reports this one will be quite brief.
The original funding for the PYH will come to an end at the end of May. This means that I will be halting my work for the time being.
We’re still waiting to hear back from the MNO Synod regarding additional funding. We also have a grant in with Healthy Together Now we’re waiting to hear about. I will also be applying for a substantial grant From the Ground Up grant through the Province of Manitoba.
I feel that our program is strong. Many of the people I speak with are very positive about what we do. We just have to wait and see what happens over the summer.
Working with the church has been a very positive and enriching experience. I’m very grateful to have had this opportunity. I hope that we’ll be able to continue working together in the future. Programs like PYH are so important to communities like ours.
The September Bible Study is on Thursday, September 12th at 7:00 pm. at Dolores' home. The topic is FORGIVENESS. Please have Bible passages to share.
Report Submitted by Dolores Hall
We have a YouTube Channel - Erickson Lutheran Church -
where you may access online services.
ELC Service links will be posted on our Facebook page.
We pray for healthcare providers, vaccine suppliers, those who are ill and those who are mourning the loss of loved ones.
Click here to access a Manitoba/NWOntario Lutheran service on the internet.
To receive more updates, please go to the ELC Facebook Page or sign-up for MNO Synod Newsletter for virtual services that are available at www.mnosynod.org.
Click here for information from the MNO Synod and ELCIC regarding regulations surrounding Covid-19.
Thank you for donations to our ministry and others
If you would like to support our outreach, you can make a donation or an online offering A) via etransfer to tres@ericksonlutheranchurch.ca or B) through Canada Helps by clicking the link below.
If you wish to donate to The Bethel Society, please do not use Canada Helps but forward said donation by way of cheque c/o Erickson Lutheran Church. All donations using the Donate Button will go directly to Erickson Lutheran Church.
Sunday worship is at conducted at 10:30 am all year long using the Lutheran Order of Worship. The first Sunday is a Service of the Word followed by a potluck lunch. The second Sunday is Communion Sunday followed by coffee. On the third Sunday of the month, a Hymn Sing is held before worship. On the fourth Sunday of the month there a Service of the Word followed by coffee. Should there be a fifth Sunday in the month, then it is a Gospel Song Service followed by coffee.
We are located just south of beautiful Riding Mountain National Park on Highway 10, Manitoba.
We will be using Facebook, our website and our newsletter as our primary ways of communicating with members and want everyone to be informed in a timely manner.
While we are back into in-person services, our services will be available online on the church's Facebook site for those who are unable to come to our in-person services
Anyone wishing to be more involved with our faith community and advocacy please call us at 1-204-636-2259. May the Peace of Christ be with you!
2010–2024 Erickson Lutheran Church. All rights reserved.