We are a worshipping, learning, witnessing and serving community of baptized persons among whom the Word is proclaimed. In accordance with the traditions of the Lutheran Church, motivate, equip and support members for leadership in worship and to minister in daily life.
Remembering God's mighty acts in the past, celebrating His abiding presence, and moving toward His promised fulfillment, we listen to the Word of God in Scripture and preaching, receive the Sacraments, and respond with confession, prayer, praise, thanksgiving, and with tithes and offerings. We gather for worship every Sunday - please see the Calendar for times and location.
We live by faith active in love, and are members of a caring community. We serve as Christians in all aspects of society, promote justice and reconciliation, meet human needs and alleviate suffering. In these efforts, our congregation cooperates with the synod and the ELCIC, other Christian churches and other groups in our communities - both local and global.
We provide leadership, organizational structures, facilities and funds to our surrounding community. In addition to active involvement with personal care homes, visitation, food banks, and Meals on Wheels, our church building is available for private functions. Please contact us for more information.
2010–2025 Erickson Lutheran Church. All rights reserved.